If life begins after forty.....SURPRISE!! I'm late again

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Organizationally challenged

I've been attempting to get my house under control. I'm not the worst, but it's pretty bad! I'm just disorganized.  I've been researching, studying trying to figure out how best to fix things. I have purchased storage boxes and different containers etc., and I have began finding what needs stored what needs to stay visable, what can go to the basement, blah, blah, blah. I have several boxes filled and labled, I really am trying but Due to symptoms from M.S.

1.  I'm slow
2.  I get distracted from one stack to the next
3.  Nana requires alot of attention
Then tonight my lovely husband in response to my asking some stupid question, made the comment "yes it will be great, IF it gets done"  He's not a natural "encourager"

That being said, I'm stepping out of my norm and screaming .............."HELP"
I'm soliciting advice, help etc., from ANYONE who might read this and feel so inclined as to lend me your knowledge. 

I don't think this blog is read by many, but just maybe it might appear before some sweet soul who can read my call of desperation in these words I write.


  1. oh well I can totally relate, I am the SAME WAY-HOWEVER there's safety in NUMBERS-yesterday hubby and I tackled the house TOGETHER-instead of going room to room we gathered EVERY SINGLE ARTICLE OF CLOTHING and LINEN and made a disaster out of our bedroom, put in piles the clean and KEEP stuff, another pile of needed to be washed stuff and another pile of clean and GET RID OF pile. TOOK a while but WOW did it help. We finally got the tree out of the house this week too which helped de-clutter our MINDS! BEST OF LUCK HON!

  2. We can help! We always have a sitter on Thursday nights or Jer can make dump run or just move heavy stuff for you on the weekend! What do you need???
